After years of taking ACV in one form or another, we started talking about the hours involved in preparing drinks to feel good. ‘I wish I could just pick up and go’ evolved into the conversion of our kitchenette into a make-shift if not slightly overcrowded laboratory. A cold press juicer and a magi-mix later, we had filled our recipes ledger with daily experiments, shoehorned into life after work. Most were disasters until, stripped down to the very basic elements of what we knew cut through the taste of vinegar, organic spices showed us the way. How to make a zero sugar alternative to what’s on the market was simple, don’t add sugar and don’t stop until it tasted great. Goodbye to the cold press juicer and to the laboratory, we had our recipe to share and kept walking with some great support and advice from Brand Relations until it was canned and in our hands.
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